
Joshua Tree, top climbs

5.10bFigures on a LandscapeWonderlandNorth Astro Domemixed, commiting
5.10bIllusion DwellerReal Hidden ValleyThe Sentineljams and layback, ultra classic
5.11aSuch a SavageWonderlandSouth Astro Domeface
5.7+Double CrossHVCGOld Womanhand jams, classic
5.7+Walk on the Wild SideSheep PassSaddle Rocks3 pitches, very popular
5.8+Sail AwayReal Hidden ValleyHidden Towerlearning to jam, popular
5.8At Your PleasureQueen MountainUpper Walt's Rockscrack
5.9+Lesbian LustOz BoulderZsa Zsa Gabor Memorialface
5.9+Loose LadyReal Hidden ValleyHouser Buttressface
5.9Colorado CrackJumbo RocksConan's Corridorcrack
5.9Dummy's DelightReal Hidden ValleyHouser Buttresscrack
5.9Invisibility LessonsSplit RocksFuture Games Rockcrack
5.9Room To ShroomWonderlandRoom To ShroomUnbelievably clean hand and fist jams.
Bring #3 Camalot for finish.
5.9Touch and GoEcho RockTouch and Go Facecrack
5.10aBird of FireSplit RocksIsles In The Skycrack
5.10aDangling Woo Li MasterWonderlandBighorn Mating Grottocrack
5.10aHeart and SoleEcho RockEcho Rockface
5.10aI Can't Believe Its a GirdleWonderlandFreak Brothers Domesface, R rated for follower
5.10aSolid GoldWonderlandSouth Astro Domeface
5.10bAround the WorldJumbo RocksZebra Cliffscrack
5.10bBook of ChangesWonderlandBighorn Mating Grottocrack
5.10bCaught Inside a Big SetWonderlandBighorn Mating Grottocrack
